
Lisa Abbott

Lisa Abbott is an organizational and movement leader for democracy, climate, and justice based in Berea, Kentucky. Lisa currently serves as a senior fellow at the Freedom Together Foundation. Prior to joining Freedom Together, Lisa worked for more than three decades at Kentuckians for the Commonwealth in various roles including organizer, organizing director, and co-executive director. Lisa holds a bachelor's degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a masters in public policy from the University of Maryland.

Paul Cuadros

Paul Cuadros

Paul Cuadros is a professor of journalism at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. An award-winning investigative reporter, Paul has written for The Huffington Post, The New York Times, Salon, Time and other publications. Paul is the author of "A Home on the Field," a story about Latino immigration told through the lives of a North Carolina soccer team, and is chair of the UNC Scholars' Latino Initiative at the Center for Global Initiatives. Paul holds a bachelor's from the University of Michigan and a master's from Northwestern University.

Cynthia Greenlee

Cynthia Greenlee

A native of Greensboro, North Carolina, Cynthia Greenlee is director of special projects and communications at National Advocates for Pregnant Women. Cynthia is also an independent scholar and writer whose work focuses on African-American and women's history in the U.S. South. She was an editor at Ipas and she has served as a consultant for several social justice organizations. Cynthia's writing has appeared in Ebony, Facing South, In These Times, Indy Week, and The Journal of African-American History. Cynthia holds a master's in communication from the University of North Carolina and a doctorate in American history from Duke University.